Service of Music & Scripture
Join us on Tuesday, April 1 at 7pm CT / 6pm MT for a contemplative service of music and scripture after the style of Tenebrae.
Join us on Tuesday, April 1 at 7pm CT / 6pm MT for a contemplative service of music and scripture after the style of Tenebrae.
Young Adults age 18+ are invited to join us for our Lenten Young Adult Retreat - Living Our Faith: Acting with Justice. Together, we will explore the question of how Jesus calls us to seek justice for and stand with the poor and marginalized.
Join us on Tuesday, April 8 at 7pm CT / 6pm MT for a Lenten Lament as we turn our gaze upon the Christ we find in the suffering of the poor, the forgotten, and the oppressed of our time.
Join us online on Monday, Jan. 20, from 12-2pm CT (11am-1pm MT / 1-3pm ET) for a special program and prayer service for Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Living into God’s Dream. In a time increasingly defined by deep division and violence, join us for an event that calls us in a different direction - following Christ’s Way of Love. Register here
The community of The Benedictine Way invites you to our Advent Taize Service on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 7 PM. You may attend in person at Incarnation Monastery (3020 Belvedere Blvd.) or online on our YouTube Channel. Enjoy a contemplative hour of beautiful Taize music, readings, and silence, followed by an Advent reception at Incarnation Monastery.
For those in Central Nebraska, Brother James will be leading an Advent Quiet Day at St. Luke’s in Kearney (2304 2nd Ave) on Saturday, December 7th from 9:00 AM-1:30 PM. All are welcome at St. Luke’s for the Quiet Day.
Join us online at to pray for our country on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, from 8am-8pm CT / 7am-7pm MT. The vigil will include time for silent meditation, music, and the following services:
At this young adult retreat, led by Oblates of The Benedictine Way, we will explore Benedictine Spirituality and Contemplative Prayer as a source of stability in our lives. Join us on Saturday, September 28 from 10 AM - 2 PM.
You're Invited to The Benedictine Way's Sixth Anniversary Foundation Day Celebration on Thursday, September 19 at 5:30 PM at Incarnation Monastery - 3020 Belvedere Blvd., Omaha, NE 68111.
Join The Benedictine Way for a monastic Good Friday liturgy - a service of Scripture and silence - on Friday, March 29, from 12-1 pm CT / 11 am-12 pm MT.
Each morning, Monday through Saturday (Mar. 25-30), Br. James Dowd will lead Centering Prayer online via Zoom at 10am CT / 9am MT. If you'd like to join us, please email Br. James at for the Zoom link.
Young Adults are invited to The Benedictine Way on March 2 from 9 AM – 2 PM for a special Lent Retreat. Led by Oblates Abby Z. Ybay and Carter Schram, the retreat theme is Overcoming Loneliness.
On February 26-27, Br. James Dowd, OSB will lead a virtual Lenten Retreat: A Lenten Exploration into the non-violence of learning to forgive yourself and learning to forgive others. The retreat will be on Zoom each evening from 7-8:30 PM CT / 6-7:30 PM MT.
Join us at the Chapel at Incarnation Monastery for a special Lenten Taize Service on Tuesday, February 20 at 7 PM CT / 6 PM MT. The service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube Channel.
Beginning on Tuesday, February 20, The Benedictine Way will be livestreaming Vespers every Tuesday during the season of Lent at 5:30 PM CT / 4:30 PM MT. All are invited to join in prayer on our YouTube Channel.
At 8 AM this Wednesday, February 14, The Benedictine Way will hold an Ash Wednesday Lauds & Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes. Incarnation Monastery is located at 3020 Belvedere Blvd., Omaha, NE 68111. We hope you can join us for the beginning of Lent this year.
Young Adults are invited to The Benedictine Way on December 16 from 9 AM – 2 PM for a special Advent Retreat. Led by Oblates Abby Z. Ybay and Carter Schram, the retreat theme is Waiting in Hope.
Join us at the Chapel at Incarnation Monastery for a special Advent Taize Service on Tuesday, December 5 at 7 PM. Taize services include soft, repetitive worship music with candlelight and scripture. They are designed to help us quiet ourselves and welcome God into our hearts.
Please join us on the occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of our Foundation on Friday, September 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM. The service will take place at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (113 N. 18th Street, Omaha), outdoor reception to follow.
All are welcome to join the community of The Benedictine Way for a sunrise service of Holy Eucharist on Easter Sunday, April 9th at 6:30 AM in Miller Park (northwest corner). This will be a special way to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and to be “in the garden” with “Mary Magdalene and the other Mary” who are looking for Jesus, as we all are. Come welcome the rising Son and join the community with a joyful celebration.
Please join us for a monastic take on a Good Friday (April 7th) service which will lead us through Jesus’ journey through the passion, cross, and tomb. A unique monastic take on this moving liturgy involving Scripture readings, music, poetry, and silence.
All are invited to join Br. James Dowd, OSB, each morning of Holy Week at 10 AM CT / 9 AM MT (Monday, April 3 – Saturday, April 8 ) for a virtual Centering Prayer Sit. We will gather on Zoom for brief instruction and a 20-minute sit, focusing ourselves on Christ as we journey through Holy Week. Email Br. James at for the Zoom link. We hope you can join us for any or all of these sits.
On Tuesday, March 21, beginning at 7 PM, The Benedictine Way will offer a Liturgy of Reconciliation at Incarnation Monastery.
On Saturday, March 18 from 9 AM - 1 PM, The Benedictine Way will hold a special Lenten Retreat for Young Adults at Incarnation Monastery. Young adults are invited to join Br. James Dowd, OSB and Abby Z. Ybay, Obl/OSB for this special retreat - more information to come.
The Benedictine Way will hold a special Lenten Taize Service at Incarnation Monastery on Thursday, March 2 at 7 PM. Attend a contemplative hour of beautiful Taize music, readings, and silence.
Join us on Thursday, December 15 at 7:00 PM at Incarnation Monastery for a contemplative hour of the beautiful meditative music of Taize and the poetry of Malcolm Guite. All are welcome to join us in the quiet and mystery of Advent and the preparation for the coming of our God, the Prince of Peace.
Join us on Zoom for an Advent mini-retreat Tuesday, Dec. 6, 7-8:30 pm CT/6-7:30 pm MT. We’ll use three texts as the foundation for this retreat: Isaiah 9:2, John 1:5, and Matthew 5:14, exploring together how the light of God and God’s reign shines into the darkness of this world.
Do you struggle with how to be still or how to gain inner silence? Have you wondered what centering prayer is? Looking for a new and meaningful prayer practice? On Saturday, November 12, from 9 AM – 12 PM, Br. James Dowd, OSB will present a workshop on Centering Prayer at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (113 N. 18th Street, Omaha, NE 68102).
Join us for quiet prayer, music, and contemplation in the Chapel at Incarnation Monastery for a Lenten Taize Service. All are welcome.
You are invited to join the community of The Benedictine Way in a vigil on Epiphany, January 6th from 12:53 PM (when the occupation of the Capitol began) to 5:40 PM (when the Capitol was once again secured). Throughout the afternoon we will pray with Scripture, in silent meditation, and will end with Vespers.
Over three Tuesdays during Advent, we’ll be considering three scenes from the gospels which highlight the relationship between Mary and Jesus. For the Zoom link to one or all of these retreats, please contact Br. Jerry to participate:
Over three Tuesdays during Advent, we’ll be considering three scenes from the gospels which highlight the relationship between Mary and Jesus. For the Zoom link to one or all of these retreats, please contact Br. Jerry to participate:
Over three Tuesdays during Advent, we’ll be considering three scenes from the gospels which highlight the relationship between Mary and Jesus. For the Zoom link to one or all of these retreats, please contact Br. Jerry to participate: