In the News
In the next five years we pray for continued growth in our life of prayer, service to the poor and forgotten, and the building of genuine Christian community. This is our future, and we are ready to thrive into it. We write you today to ask your support through a 2025 pledge or a one-time donation.
At the 2022 General Convention, the delegates passed a resolution naming the third Sunday of Epiphany as Religious Life Sunday. The Convention had in mind that the entire church would celebrate the vocation of Religious Life: those living the life of monks, nuns, friars, etc. This is a way that our church calls us to lift up the Religious Life to the entire community of believers, to encourage the support of these communities, and most of all, to encourage vocations to that life.
Will you look to the future with us? Please make a generous donation today to help us continue to grow our ministries throughout Nebraska and America’s heartland. You can give to our annual appeal here. If you prefer, you may make an annual pledge of support online or send a check.
The Community of The Benedictine Way invites you to our Advent offerings this year! A Taize Service on Tuesday, December 5 at 7 pm, and a Young Adult Retreat on Saturday, December 16, 9 am - 2 pm.
St. Benedict’s Food Pantry is now open every Tuesday evening from 4-6 PM, in addition to their regular service on the first, second, fourth, and fifth Saturdays of the month.
Leo Adam Biga of The Reader wrote an excellent article about our Prior, Br. James Dowd, “In going from the stage to the sacred to meet people where they’re at, Brother James Dowd founded the Midwest’s first Episcopal monastery, Incarnation, in 2018.”
On Saturday, March 18 from 9 AM - 1 PM, The Benedictine Way will hold a special Lenten Retreat for Young Adults at Incarnation Monastery. Young adults are invited to join Br. James Dowd, OSB and Abby Z. Ybay, Obl/OSB for a retreat focused on finding peace in chaos: the chaos of our internal world, and the world around us. Lunch provided. All are welcome.Please email Br. James at jdowd@episcopal-ne.org to RSVP for this retreat.
The Benedictine Way had a wonderful and blessed residency in Chadron, NE last week, and we are excited to share our stories with you through the Episcopal News Service! Read the article here, and check out our pictures from the 9-day trip.
From Saturday, January 28 through Sunday, February 5, Grace Episcopal Church in Chadron will host the community of The Benedictine Way for a 9-day monastic residency. “While here, we want to share the peace and joy of our contemplative way of life with the people of Chadron and the entire panhandle,” says Br. James Dowd, Prior of Incarnation Monastery and The Benedictine Way.
St. Benedict’s Day in July was, of course, a rather big deal at The Benedictine Way! We had a eucharist and a cookout, and we invited the entire TBW community (monastics, oblates and oblate candidates as well as their families, service corps members, and - now - summer interns!). We also invited the guest priests who serve us each week and their families. While we reserve Foundation Day in September for a broader celebration and as a way to express our thanks to our many different types of supporters, on St. Benedict’s Day we keep it pretty much to the more intimate TBW “family” whom we see on a regular basis.
Recruitment for 2022 Summer Internships and the 2022-2023 year in the Benedictine Service Corps (BSC) has begun! Young adults who are passionate about service and want to explore their prayer life and spirituality are invited to apply to these programs at The Benedictine Way.
On behalf of all of us at The Benedictine Way, I greet you with affection and hope for a holy Advent Season. Throughout my life, I have often seen God’s word come alive through loving hands. Those hands, healing others with kindness and peace, food and spiritual gifts are a living example of the Holy Spirit working through us. God is alive in our broken world; during this season we remember that we wait for the Lord and embrace His blessings.
I can't begin to find the words to describe how excited I am to be continuing and expanding my work with St. Benedict's Ministries. A little over a year ago I was appointed the director of a new food pantry created because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I thought I would be doing that for a year and then move on to something else. I was ecstatic when Brother James came to me and asked if I had thought about continuing as an employee for The Benedictine Way…
[…] Two members of our Service Corps community are leaving at the end of this month. Victoria Sparkman and Beau Mohon are returning to their respective states to continue along their Christian journey. Both Victoria and Beau have been a joy to live with, have contributed in many different ways to the growth of our community, have grown in faith and service, and have been resilient and courageous in these last months of pandemic and social unrest.
St. Benedict's Food Pantry, The Benedictine Way's feeding ministry in North Omaha, is celebrating our one-year anniversary! From last April 2020 to this April 2021, the pantry has operated almost every week, regularly serving 200-300 people on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, (and 5th) Saturdays of the month. We are grateful to all of you who have donated food, given funds, and volunteered at the pantry. This ministry would not be possible without you!