“Seeking His workman in a multitude of people, the Lord calls out to him and lifts his voice”
The 2024 Summer Young Adult Residents with Br. James Dowd (center), and Dean Abby Ybay (left).
Young Adult Residency
2024 Young Adult Residents and Dean Abby Ybay at Omaha Heartland Pride. Left to right: Clarissa Mueller, Cecily Shield, Cara Shield, Abby Ybay.
Are you longing to be part of a Christian Community with other young adults? Are you hoping to deepen your prayer life? Are you seeking to serve the poor, the hungry, the marginalized? Are you willing to practice simple, sustainable gardening and living?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, consider applying for a Young Adult Residency!
The Benedictine Way’s Young Adult Residency program is for young adults age 18+ who are seeking to grow and be formed through Benedictine Spirituality. Members live on The Benedictine Way campus in North Omaha, pray with the monastic community at Incarnation Monastery, serve the poor and forgotten through our urban gardens and food pantries, and live in Christian community.
A Young Adult Residency has flexible timing - the applications are rolling and start dates may begin anytime during the year.
There is a two month minimum for a residency stay, with the option to stay longer in consultation with the Prior. Previous residents have stayed with us anywhere from two months to two years.
Young Adults age 18+ may apply for a 2-4 month residency.
Young Adults age 21+ may apply for a 2-5+ month residency (one year recommended).
Prayer requirements are twice/day, Tuesday-Saturday, and once/day on Sunday.
Service expectations include working in our three urban gardens and twice weekly food pantry. Additional projects and/or a placement at a local church or non-profit are considered individually.
Community meals and fellowship are three times/week.
Housing, food, utilities, and a stipend are provided.
The Rule of Benedict teaches us how to live in peace with one another, how to listen to God and one another more deeply, and how to live a life of service. We invite you to consider joining this growing movement of young Christians who wish to connect more fully with God, with other Christians and with Creation. We hope you will discern a Young Adult Residency! If you are interested in applying, please fill out our Application Form.
Gage Woodyard
Beginning with my time here as a young adult resident and continuing today, I have been amazed by the hospitality, love, and support that has been shown by the local churches and the entire diocese. That support and hospitality has given me a chance to discern my call and grow exponentially in my faith and family. I’ve been able to go out of my comfort zone and grow as a follower of Christ.
Paige Livingston Lopez
I had always felt kind of alone in life, but I think one of the really special things I learned here was that all you really need is to find people who believe in Christ also. People have different ways about them and that’s great. As long as we bring to the table the fundamental desire to live as one body of Christ, to pray together, find community, and find God within one another, then you’re golden.
Cara Shield
Getting to college, I felt called to find ways to integrate my spiritual growth into a community of faith. This is what drew me to The Benedictine Way. I am learning so much about outreach ministry, Christian contemplativeness, and spiritual discipline, but most of all how to take up the practice of reframing how I position myself in community from introspection into oneness with others.
Interested in learning more and applying for a residency? Click below!