Urban Gardens & St. Benedict’s Food Pantry
The Gardens
The Benedictine Way operates three urban gardens in our North Omaha neighborhood. One in the back of Incarnation Monastery, and two others using land generously provided by some of our neighbors. We grow tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, apples, herbs, greens, and more! 90% of the produce harvested from these gardens is given away at our biweekly food pantry. Volunteers may help with watering, weeding, and harvesting. If you’d like to learn more and volunteer, please email Abby Z. Ybay at azimmerman@episcopal-ne.org
The Pantry
St. Benedict’s Pantry is our North Omaha feeding ministry. Open every Tuesday evening and Saturday morning (except the 3rd Saturday of the month), the pantry is run by the community of The Benedictine Way using space at Church of the Resurrection (3004 Belvedere Blvd.).
Tuesday hours are 3:30-5:30 PM, and guests may come inside Church of the Resurrection and select what they need from what’s in our stock. The main church doors will be unlocked, and the pantry is in the basement immediately down the stairs on the left. There is also direct entry into the basement from the alleyway connected to 30th street.
The Saturday pantry operates on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, (and 5th) Saturdays of the month from 10 AM-12 PM. The Saturday panty is a drive-thru format. Patrons remain in their cars in front of the church and volunteers will load bags of food into their vehicle.
To coordinate a food donation drop-off, sign up to volunteer on a Tuesday evening or Saturday morning, or learn more about the pantry, please email Abby Z. Ybay at azimmerman@episcopal-ne.org. Want to donate financially to support our Urban Gardens or St. Benedict’s Pantry? Click here